Latest News

  • 13. 06. 2024

    Hooray! Abacusmine 3 is here: new UI, modern standards, FontAwesome PRO, Redmine 5.1.2 compatible, RedmineX & RedmineUP compatible. Celebrating 10 years big time! Download now.

  • 05. 06. 2024

    As of Final 5.6. 2024, we're doing some final touches, create a demo site for you to try the theme and we're excited to launch it in a matter of days.

  • 13. 03. 2024

    We're finishing the new theme which should be ready by May 2024.

  • 27. 09. 2023

    New & Re-freshed theme is coming. Currently, we are working on rewriting the theme to pay down the technical debt of an almost 10-year old theme. The theme will be completely re-written in scss and the looks will be slightly upgraded. Nothing to crazy --> we know you like our theme :-) We want to be ready for the upcoming 10-year anniversary in 2024.

  • 21. 06. 2023

    We released a few minor bug fixes and updates to RedmineX plugins. Currently working on the biggest update yet: rewriting the theme in scss and contemporary styles. The theme will be basically brand new after summer holidays of 2023. Stay tuned!